sexta-feira, 8 de junho de 2012


Folks, this post is an entirely collaborative. That is, depends on you! When you discover tips on Fifa 12, it contains for us here in the comments and I'll put them in the article. I know I'll add some: - When in the game, the camera Tele Broadcast, and not liking the angle (sometimes gets too low), check the part you can choose Custom or Default (camera settings). You must zapping between settings. It will probably be in Default. You should switch to Custom and the next moment you switch back to Default. There, you will have a better viewing angle without loss of time tinkering with details of the camera. Here it has worked. - If you hold L1 + Triangle (PS3), you can do a quick pass, the half-height for short distances or high to go long distances. It is a mixture of cross and pass in advance. - If you press L2 + R2 you cancel the current movement of the player. So if he is running for a ball and is an impediment, you press and it stops the motion. If you pressed a button but decided to change his mind in the middle of the picture, press the combination and it will not perform the actions of the previous button. - The overall player does not mean much! Be aware of the stats of each one, according to the position, and not with the overall - I've seen quarterback with 78 overall much better than others of 82 overall, for example. Open space for you!

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